Monday, November 15, 2010

idungidangidungidangidungidangidung apa itu? KEJU! (?)

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey politik etis adalah politik balas budi daaaaaan saya ingin berpolitik etis sekarang POLITIK BALAS BUDI POSSTTT! orang yang ingin saya politik etiskan adalah..................


sekali lagi dia adek kelas -_-'' yang seru tempat curcol tempat sepik dan juga kita punya perjanjian... kenapa judul seperti itu? hem kita memanggil dia keju *dikarenakansuatukejadian* dan juga biasa di panggil sacheey. dia punya bakat menjadi pencuci baju dan idungnya unikkkkkk unyu! oh ya! dia itu cantik, baik, unyu, dan model sejati, lalu apa ya? hem begitulah bingung lagi ga napsu nulis.. yasudah tampilkan foto? baiklah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cantik kan ya?

cantik tidakkkkk?? (:

dia yang dikiriiii :D

hem.. sac........

CANTIK? CANTIK? CANTIK? CANTIK TIDAKKKKK?? CANTIK DUNGSSS~~ kan kakak kelas seperti adik kelas :) *maksudnyasamasamacantik* okeapabanget wkwk.. btw... dia single cepet kejaaaaaaaaaaaar

twitternya --> @salsabiafalyni
fb--> salsabila falyni
ym--> *kalogasalahkalosalahmaap*

lupalupa inget jugasih tanya aja sama orangnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hem yasudah thats all for now :)

Quote of the day :)

The wrong person will make you have fun
but the right person will make you feel calm

-Amanda Adriani-

will you still give hate a chance?

heeeeeey! dari judul diatas? sebenernya pengen nge post ttg lyric Jamiroquai - (dont) give hate a chance. hem sebelum itu pengen dikit ceramah. gue agak terbuka pas liat lyricnya wkwkwk waw... pesan yang terkandung *ea* bagus banget. dan sedikit ngebuka hati gue untuk "ngapain sih ngebenci orang?" nah! gue kasih aja yaaaaa!

Jamiroquai - (dont) give hate a chance

Why can't we be (together)?
Can't you love me, don't hate me
I don't see (why can't we live together)
Maybe we could get it on (maybe we could get along)
Should be our destiny
There's a cold streak living (inside us)
There's no rainbows... just bullets and bombs
and If you want to rise up
We can make this hate stop
Now don't you want to rise up

We've been giving hate a chance
(We've got all this love to give, you know)
And the love will be running out for us
Can you feel the dreams of life
We're hoping we can still survive
As the wind carries every dove away

So why do we see (these colours)
It's only skin deep, don't mean a thing
So clear (underneath this we're all brothers)
(Can't you see it's killing us Can't you see it's killing us)
Can't you see it's killing me
Trigger happy fantasy
So stand up and be (so strong now)
Freedom is not so far away
If you know you want to rise up
We can make this hate stop
Now don't you want to rise up

We've been giving hate a chance
(We've got all this love to give, you know)
And the love will be running out for us
Can you feel the dreams of life
We're hoping we can still survive
As the wind carries every dove away

(The wind carries every dove away, The wind carries every dove away, every dove away)
Dove, dove, dove, dove, dove, dove, dove

Now you've been taking our dignity for too long
I want to save this sanctity that we hold
And who's right and who's wrong?
We're not so different anyway
Words are in this song
Can't we stop the fighting?

Coz we've been giving hate a chance
Don't give this hate a chance
We've got all this love to give, you know
And the love will be running out for us (we’ve got all this love to give)
(and that the love’s still alive, survive)
Can you feel the dreams of life
We're hoping we can still survive
As the wind carries every dove away
Don't give this hate a chance (can’t we stop the dove away)
We've got all this love to give, you know
That this dream's alive, will still survive (can’t we stop the dove away)
Until no more people have to cry
Don't give this hate a chance (can’t we stop the dove away)
We've got all this love to give (that’s the wind carries every dove away)
That this dream's alive, we’ll still survive (And the love will be running out for us)
Until no more people have to cry
Don't give this hate a chance
We've got all this love to give, you know
That this dream's alive, we’ll still survive
Until no more people have to cry

Friday, November 12, 2010


hellooooooooo! does anybody missing me? haha ;)

hem...... setelah lama tak berjumpa.. dansaya sudah jarnang BGT ngepost gue sebagai remaja yang baik serta budiman dan rajin menabung ingin sharing tentang ALHAMDULILLAAAH YA ALLAAAAAAAAAH! alhamdulillah gue masuk OSIS :) walaupun divisinya gak seperti keinginan gue tapi ya gapapalah.. gue akan berusaha YANG TERBAIK untuk divisi itu dan juga OSIS serta lazuardi ;)

JADIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gue masuk OSIS divisi Pembantu Umum atau gaulnyasih PU. namanya gak bangetya?wkwkwkwk tapi serukok :) APALAGI SEDIVISI SAMA YANG ENAK ENAAAAAAAAAK!! bareng Achmad sama Sacheey. udah pewe kalo diubahlagi atau ditambah orang....... ya guesih menolak soalnya dengan ber3 aja kita udah dikit tugas dan NO OFFEN lohyaaaaa...cuma kan ada pro dan kontra. *apaseh* WKWKWKWK. heeeeem yang jelas GUE SENENG BGTBGTBGT! ALHAMDULILLAAAAAAAH YA ALLAAAAH! impian gue tercapai :') keinginan dari kelas 6.. walaupun gue dapet divisi bukan Olahraga..

BTW!!!! FYI gue...... NGEBET BGGT sama divisi Olahraga!!!!!! mungkin gue cewe.. tapi whoknows? gue mungkin bisa nanganin lebih baik dari cowo.. :D haaaaah sudahlah jadi PU aja bersyukur.. kalo tbtb di pindah jadi divisi Olahraga? GAK AKAN NOLAK!!!!!! hahaha berharap terlalu banyak :) udah ah gatau lagi nulis apaan... thats all for today